Welcome to GOOD PORT
Izabela Aurelia Makowska, MA
Individual psychotherapy
Prowadzę psychoterapię indywidualną w nurcie integratywnym.
Istnieje także możliwość sesji online.
System settings
The most important element of Bert Hellinger's method is the evocation of the love movement, which for various reasons is stopped.
Hellinger himself at work is guided by love and respect for other people, as well as for their fate. It goes back generations to unleash the flow of love that gives strength to future generations.
T erapy through art
Arteterapia jest techniką terapeutyczną stosowaną na całym świecie. Leczy poprzez sztukę wywołując i przekazując emocje (daje możliwość rozładowania trudnych, skumulowanych emocji, zrzucania wewnętrznych blokad).
Soul Body Fusion (SBF)
"Each of us has a beautiful one soul, but sometimes we are not able to completely reduce it to the physical body. We live life without taking full advantage of our own light, unable to recall the health, prosperity and well-being that belong to us from birth. "
Jonette Crowley
Way of work
In my work I am guided mainly by my heart which "knows" and feels the most. I teach people to listen to myself, my inner one voice, contact with intuition and own inner wisdom. I help to return to my own path of life in order to start living for myself, in harmony with myself. Only when a person becomes authentic does he become in his power and strength.
I hold Circle for Women in Olsztyn, I conduct meditation in the FB group:
Meditations in the Heart Field.
In my psychotherapeutic work, I integrate, among others psychodynamic, systemic and Ericksonian approach; I use
at work, mindfulness and hypnosis techniques, psychosomatotherapy, choreotherapy and art therapy, New Silent System Settings by Bert Hellinger.
About me
I am a psychotherapist, social educator, public PR specialist. I graduated from, among others 4-year Integrative Psychotherapy Study in Krakow, Bert Hellinger's Family Therapy Course at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Personal Development
in Warsaw. I have completed a number of trainings
in the field of psychotherapy, personal development, improving health and quality of life.